10-12 hod., hlavní budova
School Characteristics
The elementary School Emy Destinnové is a primary school with grades 1.- 9. With 850 pupils in two buildings, our school is the largest in the Prague 6 District. The main building on náměstí Svobody is home to grades 3rd – 9, including the afternoon day care for 3rd to 5th year pupils, school clubs for many interest groups and a modern canteen. The building on Českomalínská street is home to the 1st and the 2nd grade, as well as to the afternoon day care program and various clubs activities for these grades.
The elementary school Emy Destinnové is a school of many and varied possibilities:
- intensive teaching of foreign languages (English, German, French and Spanish)
- excellent preparation for further study at secondary schools
- trips abroad included in the the teaching of foreign languages
- sleepaway camps with education in the countryside, and coupled with a healthy lifestyle and environmental education
- a number of exciting interest clubs for quality leisure time
- aesthetic education, incorporated into all activities
- contests of knowledge, sports and arts
- projects within the framework of the school and individual classes
- care for the individual child's personality development
- assistance of a psychologist and a special educator
Since the school year 2006/07 the school follows the curriculum Ad astra.
ZŠ a MŠ Emy Destinnové
nám. Svobody 3/930
160 00 Praha 6
School Office
Phone: +420 222 202 501 / +420 774 105 030
E-mail: info@zsemydestinnove.cz
School Director
Mgr. Ota Bažant
Phone: +420 222 202 502
E-mail: ota.bazant@zsemydestinnove.cz
Office: main building, 1st floor
Public office hours: Wed 14-16
Deputy Headteachers
Mgr. Jitka Dvořáková
E-mail: jitka.dvorakova@zsemydestinnove.cz
Mgr. Marek Hlubuček
E-mail: marek.hlubucek@zsemydestinnove.cz
Ing. Eva Arazimová
E-mail: eva.arazimova@zsemydestinnove.cz
Phone: +420 774 105 113
Office: main building, ground floor
Account No. 833061/0100
Billing Data
IN: 481 33 892
TIN (VAT number): CZ48133892